Monday, March 06, 2006

Why the Ports Deal must go through

Larry Kudlow weighs in with a very compelling piece on the Ports Deal with Dubai. I herewith endorse this deal, based on its merits, since so much is at stake:

Opposing President Bush are those with a vision of pessimism, defeatism, and fear. Supporting the president are those with a Reaganite vision that brims with opportunity, victory, and success in the spread of freedom and democratization. Can there be any serious question that the resounding conservative Republican ascendancy and success of the past 25 years launched by Ronald Reagan and advanced by George W. Bush is built on optimism — and positive results? I think not.

Furthermore, I should add that it is, in my opinion, foolish and short-sighted to bemoan the virtually nonexistent economic progress in the Arab world over the past century while, at the same time, punishing those (few) companies who do succeed in today's global marketplace, simply for being Arab.


Blogger Franklin D. Rosenfeld said...

Hear ye, hear ye...

ad a.

Denying them participation in the global economy will not help very much, either.

ad b.

"If the US is for its own security at war with Islam"

Which it isn't. And realistically cannot be.

ad c.

I agree.

ad d.

Which, as far as I know, is not the Dubai Ports Authority. Otherwise, allowing US warships to call port there is far more foolish.

ad e.

Maybe, but that's more of an issue for the secratary of Homeland Security and the commander of the Coast Guard.

ad f.

True. But then, a logistics company isn't necessarily, either.

11:53 PM  

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